Monday, May 27, 2013


Abby is a Belgian draft horse trained by the Amish.  She is about 23 years old according to the vet.  David was told she was 16.  A Colonial Plantation Myth holds that  she was a really great horse and that she LOVES to work.

Warren and I spent 2 hours trying to figure out her work harness.  Neither of us had ever seen one before.  We took her out to the field and gave her some hay.  We found the harness in the barn, and put it in the wheelbarrow and wheeled it down to her, where we set it out on a fence to look at the different parts.  I looked on Wikihow using my phone to find pictures of how to put it on Abby.

We figured out that we had all the parts but the collar, so I went to the barn to get it.  I brought it back to the field, and Abby took one look at it and ran off.

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